

22 August 2023

Using wall shelves is one of the right solutions for small bathrooms. This shelf model is most often used as a place to place toiletries, such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, tools and bathroom cleaning fluids.

This wall shelf has a variety of shapes. Starting from the shape of corner shelves to multilevel. However, choosing a bathroom wall shelf needs to be careful. Because, this room is always wet and easily damp. You need to choose it carefully and precisely so that its function can be maximized.

There is following are the things to pay attention to:

1. Determine the items that will be placed on the wall shelf

Before buying a bathroom wall shelf, first determine what items will be placed there. Usually, this wall shelf is not too large so that only a few items can be placed, namely toiletries.

When you already know the shape and quantity of these items, you can find it easier to find the right shape and size of wall shelves. If there are quite a lot of them, you can use multilevel wall shelves.

2. Adjust to the size of the bathroom

If the size of the bathroom is not too large, avoid buying large shelves because it can make the bathroom look cramped. To create a wider impression, choose a wall shelf that is equipped with glass and placed above the sink.

3. Choose a wall shelf that matches the bathroom theme

The next tip is to choose a shelf model and color that matches your bathroom concept. Besides functioning to place toiletries, this shelf can be used as a bathroom decoration, you know! If you are confused, choose a neutral colored shelf because it is easier to mix and match.

4. Choose the right material

Finally, choose a quality wall shelf. Starting from the material used to its strength. We recommend using wall shelves that are strong, durable, waterproof and not rusty. If the material used is not right, it can cause mold and bad odor in the bathroom.

Usually wall shelves are made of plastic, stainless steel, or a combination of both. Both of these materials are believed not to rust easily even though they are exposed to water every day.




Written by: Nathasya Elvira

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