

29 August 2023

If you're not careful, the bathroom floor can be said to be quite a dangerous place in the house. Why? Because the bathroom floor is often always wet and slippery.

Usually, the slippery bathroom floor is caused by moss. This is because moss easily appears on wet or damp surfaces.

Slippery bathroom floors can also be caused by using cleaning products that are not suitable for the type of floor or chemicals that are too harsh.

To help you in dealing with it, here are some solutions that can be applied so that the bathroom floor is no longer slippery.

1. Brush the bathroom regularly

One way to get rid of mold in the bathroom is to clean it regularly at least once a week. Apart from moss, this method can also prevent the growth of mold on the bathroom floor!

You can scrub the bathroom floor using a special brush and cleaning fluid. But, choose cleaning fluids carefully and thoroughly. This is because not all cleaning fluids can be used to clean floors.

2. Clean the remaining soap and shampoo after bathing

The deposits of soap and shampoo used when bathing can make the bathroom floor slippery easily. For that, make sure you clean it immediately after taking a shower, namely by flushing the entire floor with clean water until the remnants of the soap and shampoo are completely gone.

3. Check the water line

Clogged drains can make the bathroom floor stagnant with water. Usually, this is caused by piles of residue from soap and shampoo, as well as piles of hair loss that are not cleaned. Therefore, you need to regularly check and clean the drains in the bathroom and make sure there aren't any blockages.

4. Use a mop that has high absorption

The next method is to use a special mop that has high absorption. This mop can be used to make the bathroom floor dry immediately after use.

5. Replace the anti-slip floor

Another way to prevent the bathroom floor from being slippery is to replace the bathroom tiles with a type of ceramic with a rough texture. For example, ceramics made from matte or granite which also dry faster.




Written by: Nathasya Elvira

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