

02 August 2023

Apart from the bathroom, the kitchen is the room that is used most often in everyday life. So, it's no wonder that the kitchen is also a room that gets dirty and messy easily.

Unfortunately, tidying up the kitchen is not as easy as one might think. It takes a lot of willpower and time to clean the kitchen. Moreover, if the size of the kitchen is not too large, it makes you confused about where to start tidying up.

For that, instead of cleaning a kitchen that is already dirty and takes a long time, it's better for you to keep your kitchen clean regularly. Here are some tips you can try to keep the kitchen clean.

1. Throw away items that are not needed or are damaged

Well, the first thing that needs to be done is to throw away items that are not needed or are damaged. By removing items that don't work, the kitchen will look tidier and not cramped.

2. Use a storage container

After sorting out the items you don't need, prepare storage containers to store the remaining items. Use tightly closed glass or plastic containers to store groceries or kitchen spices in the refrigerator. These containers not only make the kitchen look neat, but also maintain the quality of food ingredients.

3. Use storage or storage cabinets

After all the food and cooking ingredients have been placed in the container, it's time for you to organize the kitchen so it looks neat. Store all these objects in the storage cupboard according to their category. For example, dry food ingredients in one drawer, kitchen spices in one cupboard, cutlery in one cupboard, and cooking utensils in one cupboard. If the size of the kitchen is not too large, take advantage of an organizer or hanger that can be attached to the wall to hang cooking utensils and the like.

4. Clean the kitchen after use

Actually there is no other effective way to keep the kitchen looking clean other than cleaning it regularly, especially after it's finished. Yes, make it a habit to take a moment to clean the tools and equipment used. Clean kitchen counters, stoves and cookware with dish soap.

Choosing the right material for kitchen countertops and kitchen sinks also needs to be considered carefully. Because, not all materials used are easy to clean so you need more time.

5. Perform periodic maintenance

Finally, to keep the kitchen looking neat is to carry out periodic maintenance. For example, clean the fridge about once every 1-2 weeks. Starting from sorting out the contents of the refrigerator, and cleaning the stains that stick. Then, replace the kitchen cloth that is used at least once a week, wipe every side of the cupboard so that it is free of dust, and wash all storage containers so they don't smell.




Written by: Nathasya Elvira

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