
The Reason Why People Linger in the Bathroom

05 September 2020

A bathroom is a place for inspiration. Because of that, maybe some of us like to linger in the bathroom. If the bathroom is comfortable, of course, we can feel at home in it even if it's just for showering or defecating.

What happens if the bathroom is not clean and tidy? Of course, it's uncomfortable, right? Therefore, we have some tips to make your bathroom feel comfortable and feel more at home in the bathroom.

Clean Bathroom

Having a clean bathroom will keep us from germs and diseases. Clean the bathroom for about 4-7 days using scented carbolic. Brush every corner that is prone to dust and dirt and then flush it with clean water.

You can also add special camphor for the bathroom in the corner to prevent mold. Don't forget to put the trash can in the bathroom too, so you can immediately throw the trash in its place.

Tidy bathroom

When neatly arranged, the bathroom will be nice to see. We recommend that you place items that are really needed in the bathroom. Then to keep these items neat and orderly, make sure that each item has its own storage area.

For those of you who have a bathroom with a limited area, use accessories, and equipment that don't take up much space. For example, you can use shelves, shelves, or baskets to store toiletries. With a smart placement, the bathroom will look more spacious and practical.

Fresh Aroma

Clean and tidy are the main factors that determine the comfort in a bathroom. But these two things are not enough. To support the comfort in the bathroom, add fragrances that make us feel more at home and comfortable for long, such as aromatherapy and scented candles with the fragrance you like.

As a recommendation, choose chamomile which can relax and calm and ward off free radicals. There are also lavender flowers which can be used as an antiseptic as well to soothe and soothe oneself. The scent of lemon can energize, refresh, and improve mood. Peppermint fragrance can be used as an antiseptic, stimulant, and relieves pain. So, just choose what you like.

Adding Ornamental Plants

Clean, neat, and fragrant, but there is one more thing that is missing. So that the atmosphere in the bathroom is not too flat and cold, add a few ornamental plants to give a little color and life. In addition, ornamental plants can also improve mood and make the atmosphere fresher.

Ornamental plants that are usually placed in the bathroom include ivory betel, heart-leaf philodendron, and flower cactus. Besides being able to help clean the air in the bathroom, maintenance is also not difficult.

That is the reason along with tips that make the bathroom more comfortable and make people feel at home for long in the bathroom. And to get a comfortable bathroom, of course, it must be supported by qualified equipment and accessories.

You can look for various sanitary products to make your bathroom more comfortable. Germany Brilliant has a variety of facial products from sinks, water taps, showers, floor drains to accessories to complement your bathroom needs. What are you waiting for?

Make your dream bathroom come true with GB!




Written: DN

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