

22 October 2023

One way to cool the bathroom is to use ornamental plants. Yes, not just a decorative element, ornamental plants can help control bathroom humidity level.

I wonder what plants are suitable in the bathroom, right?Following the recommendation!

1. Bamboo ornamental plants

Have you ever seen decorative bamboo plants in the bathroom? Generally, these ornamental plants are small and neatly arranged. You can place it in the corner of the bathtub, next to the sink, or as a bathroom accessory.

2. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is known as a perennial plant. This is why aloe vera is suitable for use in the bathroom area. Apart from decoration, the aloe vera plant functions as a filter for air pollutants and medicines. You don't need to worry, this plant does not require special care. However, make sure it is located near the bathroom window so it is exposed to sunlight, OK?

3. Ivory betel

This plant turns out to really like living in damp rooms. Heart-shaped leaves plus green and yellow gradations can make the bathroom look beautiful and fresh. Just like aloe vera, this plant does not require special care, it only needs a little sunlight to stay fresh.

4. Begonia fruit

Begonia flowers always attract anyone who sees them. Apart from being fresh and pleasing to the eye, this plant has a variety of colors, such as yellow, red, pink, orange, white and purple so it is easy to match with your bathroom style.

5. Mother-in-law's tongue

This type must be familiar. The mother-in-law's tongue plant can grow well indoors and outdoors. So, it doesn't matter if it is placed in a room with high humidity levels. This plant can also be used as a natural filter to eradicate toxins and unpleasant odors in the bathroom.

6. Peace Lily

The bright white flowers and glossy leaves of the peace lily plant are a great choice if you want your bathroom to look fresh and bright. Moreover, the character of this plant is very sensitive to sunlight so it is suitable to be placed in bathrooms with minimal light. Maintenance is relatively easy, you only need to hold lots of water in the roots. You don't need to water it often because it can make the plant wilt quickly.

7. Monstera

This plant has a unique shape, namely each leaf is shaped like a finger, a hole, a heart, and so on. Monstera doesn't need intense sunlight so you don't need to worry about caring for it.

8. Orchid flower

Orchids are one of the mandatory bathroom plant collections. Apart from liking damp places, this plant can reproduce using withered skin.

9. Spider plant

As the name suggests, the spider plant has a unique shape similar to a spider's web. This type can tolerate low light and likes to live in humid spaces. What's unique is that spider plants can survive for up to two weeks without any water intake at all. How? Interested, right?

10. Philodendron heartleaf

This heart-shaped plant does not need much light to survive. This type can grow perfectly in damp places with low light intensity. When this plant propagates, you can make it an ornamental plant in bathroom accessories.




Written by : Nathasya Elvira

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