
Prevent Corona from Handwashing

21 May 2020

Coronavirus outbreak has become a scourge. This mysterious virus that originated in Wuhan is increasingly troubling. So far, scientists are still researching vaccines to stop the transmission of viruses between humans.

The spread of the Coronavirus is still difficult to control. One recommended WHO policy is a healthy lifestyle by regularly washing hands with soap or using a hand sanitizer as an alternative if you have to travel. Means, early prevention must be done so that we do not contract the Covid-19 virus.

Hands become a part of the body that is vulnerable to exposure to viruses. Hands are used to take things or touch other people. Such conditions make the hands a part of the body that must always be kept clean.

If your hands have not been washed, avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Unclean hands can be stuck with bacteria without us knowing. Germs are difficult to detect because they are invisible.

To prevent the Coronavirus from entering the body, it's a good idea to wash your hands before and after 20 seconds of activity. Effective hand washing is using soap and washing with running water. Starting from the palm of the hand, the back of the hand, and between the fingers must be rubbed. Don't miss anything.

Finally, the Corona outbreak managed to create a new trend of healthy lifestyles related to hand washing. Diligent handwashing with soap must be a habitual behavior. Therefore, this habit will turn into an obligation.

So that the Coronavirus does not come to your body, it is better to maintain immunity by just doing activities at home. If you need a consultation about the bathroom, please contact WhatsApp contact from Germany Brilliant. Get information and special offers only for those of you who always promote a healthy lifestyle together.



Written : AH

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