

01 October 2023

Keeping the bathroom clean is important for family health. One of the main parts that must be paid attention to in the bathroom is the toilet because it is the dirtiest place in the house.

Currently, sitting toilets are the best choice when compared to squatting toilets. Sitting toilets have several advantages, one of which is that they save more water when used. For the elderly, a toilet seat can make drinking water easier, as well as for toddlers who are learning toilet training.

Even so, the toilet seat needs to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly. Feces and urine that come into direct contact with the toilet leave behind germs and bacteria. So, just imagine if you are lazy about cleaning it regularly. Not only does it cause unpleasant odors in the bathroom, a dirty toilet invites various diseases.

So, how do you clean a toilet seat properly and thoroughly? Here are some tips from Germany Brilliant.

- Prepare the equipment to be used

The first step that needs to be taken is to prepare the equipment and cleaning products that will be used. The equipment in question consists of a special toilet brush, rag, special cleaning fluid and disinfectant.

After preparing the equipment, make sure you use gloves. This is important to prevent your hands from coming into contact with harsh products (cleaning fluids) while cleaning the toilet.

- Clean the inside first

When the equipment and products are available, it's time to start cleaning the inside of the toilet. First, spray or rinse with hot water to help kill bacteria in the toilet. After you have finished rinsing, pour the cleaning fluid into the inside of the toilet, then let it sit for a few moments. Don't forget to read the instructions for use on the product packaging, okay?

- Use a special toilet brush

The next method is to use a toilet brush and scrub all parts of the toilet. Make sure you choose a brush with hard textured plastic bristles. That way, dirt stuck to the toilet will more easily fall off the surface.

Pay attention to whether there is crust or stains stuck to the inside of the toilet. Usually, these two things are found in the toilet area which is submerged in water. If it is difficult to remove, use a special cleaning fluid to remove crust or stuck-on stains.

- Clean the outside of the toilet

Apart from the inside, you also need to clean the outside of the toilet. You can clean the cover, water tank, and under the toilet seat. Rinse with water first, spray cleaning and disinfectant fluid on the entire outside of the toilet, and let it sit for a while. After that, clean it with a brush to make sure there is no liquid left.

- Rinse until clean

The next step is to rinse the toilet to remove any remaining cleaning fluid. You can press the flush button to rinse the inside of the toilet seat, and flush the outside using a jet washer or shower. After that, wipe all parts of the toilet using a dry cloth or chamois so that it doesn't get damp and smelly.

- Wash equipment after cleaning the toilet

Lastly, don't forget to wash the equipment by soaking it in a cleaning solution or hot water. This is important to get rid of bacterial germs that stick to the equipment. Make sure the equipment is stored dry to prevent mold from growing.

Hopefully these tips help, yes!



Written by : Nathasya Elvira

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