

11 July 2023

Urinals are one of the facilities for men which are provided in public bathrooms. Starting from office bathrooms, schools, restaurants, to cinemas which have separate bathrooms for men and women.

However, if you are greatly helped by having a urinal to urinate on, then there's nothing wrong with installing a urinal in the bathroom of the house. Because, besides being practical, the presence of a urinal is quite helpful for the elderly or family members who have mobility difficulties. Sometimes, it's easier for them to get up from the wheelchair and urinate immediately than standing up from the wheelchair, sitting back on the toilet, standing again, and sitting back in the wheelchair.

Another reason, urinals are available in various shapes and sizes, so you don't need to worry that urinals can narrow the space in the bathroom. Quoting the official guidelines of the Indonesian Toilet Association, the distance between the urinal and other parts is at least 80 cm. While the height of the urinal for adults is 43-80 cm from the floor and the maximum height for children's urinals is 35.6 cm from the floor.

The following are types of urinals that can make it easier for you to choose the right urinal for the bathroom at home.

  1. Automatic urinal flush
    Talking about modern bathrooms is closely related to automatic features or sensors, urinals are no exception. This type of urinal for men is equipped with a system flush automatic that incorporates sensors to detect if someone is in front of it.
    Sometimes, this type of urinal can save water, but the main attraction is cleanliness. Users do not need to touch the urinal so that the risk of exposure to germs or bacteria is smaller. GB friends also don't need to worry if they forget to flush it.
  2. Urinal manual flush
    This type of urinal is most commonly used in public bathrooms. The flushing system is divided into two, namely by pressing a button or pulling a lever. Even though it is old-fashioned and considered to be less efficient, manual rinse systems actually tend to save more water because there is no risk of rinsing twice due to sensors.
  3. Urinals without water
    Just as the name suggests, this type of urinal does not use water as a means of rinsing, thereby saving water use. Usually waterless urinals are made of plastic or stainless steel.
  4. Urinal free standing
    Urinal free standing is a type of urinal that is not attached to the wall or floor. Usually these urinals are made of stainless steel or porcelain. The main advantage of this type of urinal is that it is more flexible because it can be placed in any part of the bathroom.

GB Sanitaryware urinal is able to provide a different experience. The base layer of the urinal looks sturdy and modern because it is made of ceramic material. The height has also been adjusted to the standard male height in general, and is equipped with button flush or lever for flushing system.




Written by: Nathasya Elvira

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